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EU Projects

CUS Padova partecipates in the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union promoting sport as an essential, cultural and educational tool for youth, adults and sport staff, developing transversal skills, supporting the practice of physical education and the diffusion of amateur sports.


For more information on our projects or to start a collaboration with CUS Padova, please contact

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Find Your Sport Super Power - Everyone Has It





Increasing the Physical Activity Levels of Low-income Sedentary Individuals Under the Guidance of Personal Trainers

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Bullying, Discrimination Overcome Game


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Equal Sport For All





Survival in the city





Diabetes Augmented Reality Training





Parasports Open for Leveraging Youth Motivational, Physical and Inclusive Actions


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Enhancing Sport Profiles Skills Validation for new Tourist Routes


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Strategic partnerships and activities for promotion of youth sport work during the European Week of Sport


Generate change toward sustainability through youth participation, sport and exploration



Doping Roadblock Game In Sport Augmented Reality



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Sport Opens School



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Respect to the environment, respect for human



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